Fifteen years after working exclusively in wild Dandong silk, Fort Street Studio creative directors Janis Provisor and Brad Davis jumped into wool and all the textural possibilities that the fiber brings to the weaving loom. That was at the end of 2011 and by Spring of 2012, the company’s first Wool+ collection had debuted.

Seven years later, Wool+ is going strong and accounts for half of the square footage Fort Street Studio hand knots and weaves in one year.

The Wool+ collection has expanded Fort Street Studio’s offering of qualities. Additionally, our iconic watercolor designs have been mastered by our wool weavers, again broadening the possibilities available to our clients.

Clients now have the option of the uber-luxurious feel of plush wild silk or hand-knotted wool & silk combination. Wool, while still luxurious, can handle more aggressive traffic. High gum content silk and lanolin rich high altitude wool are the perfect ingredients to keep your hand knotted Fort Street Studio carpet lustrous and easy to clean. Most spills will bead on top of our hand cut piles for easy blotting and drying.

Wild Silk is still the favorite for luxury living rooms and master bedrooms. Wool is also found in these rooms, as well as other areas of the home/interior such as entry foyers, family rooms, dining rooms and staircases.

Sizes, shapes and colors can be custom tailored to your design’s content!

Palace size carpet capacity of up to 30ft wide by 45 ft long make your dream carpet a reality.

The company’s catalog of iconic watercolor designs is available in wool or wool/silk blends.