Fort Street Studio’s first Taipei exhibition was hosted by the Artrue Gallery for one week in late June. Located in the heart of Taipei’s prestigious D’aan district, overlooking the green Da’an park, Artrue Gallery provided a striking industrial and modern setting to showcase some of Fort Street Studio’s very best carpet designs.
Fort Street Studio首次在台北舉辦的地毯展覽會圓滿落幕。這次展覽位於大安區的正藝美學空間。裡面帶有簡約的工業和現代風室內設計,令Fort Street Studio的地毯設計精髓更容易在這空間內呈現出來。
Two new rug designs, Desu Light and Casperia Silver Gold, served as the showstopping entrance carpets on the ground floor. These painterly designs captured the eye of every visitor with their watercolour bleed motif and metallic weaving.
展覽在一樓的兩款新設計,「Desu Light」和「Casperia Silver Gold」為每位賓客帶來深刻的印象。
The exhibition continued on the gallery’s second floor, where more colorful options were displayed, like popular Ring Red and Cortina Indigo, alongside more muted designs like Venetian Silver and Blush Pale. The rugs were interspersed with framed original artwork by Principals & Creative Directors Janis Provisor and Brad Davis.
繼續在二樓的展廳,展示了多款色彩豐富的地毯設計,包括「Ring Red」和「Cortina Indigo」,另外,還有色調比較柔和的「Venetian Silver」和「Blush Pale」。同樣受到注目的就是由兩位藝術創辦人Janis Provisor和Brad Davis所畫的原創畫作。

The top floor served as a space for interior designers, with over 30 samples from Fort Street Studio’s collections available to touch, feel, and try out on the floor. Also unveiled in this space was XRay, a new wild silk design, which was particular striking.
Top interior designers were invited to a private, exclusive evening event, and members of the press stopped by throughout the week.
Thank you to everybody who came out in support! 謝謝大家到臨參觀!
“We believe the design community in Taipei is uniquely talented and growing, and we are very glad to be a part of it. 我們相信,台北的設計界是獨一無二的,而且不斷壯大,我們很高興能夠成為其中的一部分。” -Principals & Creative Directors Janis Provisor and Brad Davis