In The Pacific Northwest, Natural Beauty And Architectural Details Create A Dream Retreat
Awinding driveway leads to the sloping wooded site that architect Thomas A. Kligerman’s clients purchased to build their Pacific Northwest vacation home, a path that removes any sense of the surrounding neighborhood from those who visit. What’s left, says Kligerman, “is the powerful natural beauty” of the plot. The moody gray atmosphere settling over the saturated colors of the woods captivated Kligerman and seemed to almost demand a more modern approach. “It was an instinctual reaction,” he says. Expansive windows were necessary to admit plenty of natural light in all that damp, cloudy weather, he reasoned, but the notion of creating a modern white box never came up. “The whole palette of the house, we thought, would pick up on the rich, deep colors of the forest.”...READ MORE
Design By: Ike Kligerman Barkley
Photo By: Richard Powers