Drawn Oyster Coal
80 Knots
Standard Sizes
Standard Colors
Design Inspiration
As the originator of the watercolor aesthetic in hand-knotted carpets, Fort Street Studio’s Co-Principal and Co-Creative Director Janis Provisor has also often employed a painted line that evokes her unique signature since the Studio’s beginnings. With her hand evident throughout the Drawn Lines collection of wild silk, Provisor wanted to extend the idea into other materials, without a watercolor background.
Fort Street Studio’s newest texture, Palldi, employs hand-processed, tweeded high-altitude wool and cultivated silk that is tie-dyed to create a mottled, neutral texture. Provisor knew Palldi would be the perfect ground to make a black-and-white drawing pop, and the style of weaving worked to achieve a line that looks crumbly and bitten on the edges – a dry, broken line of black paint on a piece of rough paper. The whimsical drawing creates an open composition bracketed top and bottom.