Origo Ocean

Wool Silk Tweed
100 Knots

Standard Sizes

Feet: 6x9, 8x10, 9x12, 10x14
Meters: 1.83 x 2.74, 2.44 x 3.05, 2.74 x 3.66, 3.05 x 4.27

Standard Colors

Ocean Swatch
Sand Swatch
Custom sizes & colors available

Design Inspiration

Origo completes the trilogy alongside Genesis and Passage, emerging from the same accidental yet poetic transformation of some of my archive drawings. The creation process originates from charcoal drawings damaged by water, where the pigments settled into delicate, organic patterns—an imprint of time and matter in motion.

While Genesis explored linear energy and Passage captured the fading traces of movement, Origo embraces circularity. The composition recalls swirling geological formations, celestial bodies, or the quiet turbulence of water in motion. It is a meditation on origins—a luminous marbling of elements coming together, evoking both the birth of something new and the cyclical nature of transformation.

Origo translates the raw beauty of the original accident into a richly textured surface. The interplay of silk and wool enhances its luminous marbling effect, subtly shifting with light and movement. With a soft, mineral and water inspired palette, Origo remains timeless, balancing fragility and energy. In the spirit of Fort Street Studio, it preserves the organic essence of the original accident, inviting contemplation of creation, erosion, and renewal.